dumbfrog 2011-10-2 21:42
How to prevent a Financial Crisis in China
Sign#1 The China stock market has been collapsing.
Sign#2 A lot of small/medium business are going out of business. (So many BOSSES have been fleeing)
Sign#3 The house price will drop more than 50% ??? like Japan ???
Sign#4 Banks are in trouble
Sign#5 Unemployment and Hyper inflation.
The financial crisis already happened in the United States and Europe.
Now it is coming to China. How and what can the Chinese and the government do to prevent this possible financial crisis.
StupidJunk 2011-10-2 22:14
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dumbfrog 2011-11-6 10:19
Sign#3 is happening right now:s_1:
When the financial trouble is closing out in Europe, China needs to prepare.
ikkisex 2011-11-8 17:20
Sign 3 is depend on when the bubble break?
I don't know whether financial crisis will arrived to China or not?
I just know that China has policy to cover any crisis.Then no one will discover it in China!!!!
keephealthy 2011-11-10 12:35
I think u worry about too much. focus sth realted us
pllmn2014 2014-8-18 12:14
I think you misunderstand Keephealthy's meaning